Friday, 11 May 2012


Any body that says they have never had it is a liar, end of story, yes, some have it worse than others. You might ask, what is Buck Fever? Its really your bodies way of releasing some energy from Adrenaline. Your muscles become very tight, in some instance they are super strong or super weak. But almost always you end up with the shakes. You never know when its going to show up, it usually shows up when a nice buck walks out that you have been trying for years to find....and all the excitement takes over, your heart starts racing, you become dry mouth, your hands are sweaty...As you can tell I have been there before. Its not fun, but you struggle to control it, it has its own mind. Every body handles it differently, oh a tell tell sign is when the hunter starts taking deep breaths and blowing out air...The way I was told to control it was, think if i don't control this shaking that deer is going to ram you. It made me focus on the sights and BINGO....deer down. Some say, look at the does, and then back at the buck for the last second shot...Here at, we have had hunters with loads of time in the field suffer from this. Some say get the hunter closer to the deer, today we was 40 meters, last week we was 80 really can't get any closer. As soon as the hunter misses, they always start blaming the scope or the rifle or the wind or the wife, the girlfriend everyone but them selves...hey it happens, its part of hunting. Before you go out hunting, think how are you going to control it...oh the guy this morning was saying, that he could see the deer on his office wall, instead of focusing on the shot....and that undid him, and the shakes started...
For you hunters thats looking for a Full Day of Sport, its nothing new but super fun! We have all heard of the Scottish Macnab, 1 salmon, 1 brace of grouse and a Red stag in a day! We want to bring something similar to the hunters who don't wish to go North! A MacNelson at >Roe or Muntjac buck >Brace of Wild Brown trout in a stream on a dry fly >15 Wood pigeons All in one day! What do you get: All equipment, fly rod, flies, rifle, bullets, shotgun cartridges transport in hunting area, permits, guide,any size Roe or Muntjac buck,all pigeon shooting equipment, 1 night in local Pub, picnic short everything, making this as hunt 100% hassle free! If you wish to use you own guns/rods etc. not a problem. And a great time! All less than 2 hours from the heart of the Norfolk countryside. £750 per person for the complete day!
Thanks for your time hope you have enjoyed the read, if you have any comments, fire them across! j. Bryan Nelson

Friday, 4 May 2012


FREE SALMON FISHING, offered to you by SPORTINGAGENT.COM, on the famous Moy river in Ireland, stay in local accommodation, just meters from the river. Moy river has a great reputation for a Spring run fishing until the end of the 2nd week in June...If interested, give us here at an email,, we would be more than happy to help! I was speaking with a fellow wingshooter from the states, and we was discussing what things where like in Europe, he asked is it still 400 head days etc. It only took about 10 minutes to set him straight....I told him, ya, those days are there, but there is also smaller driven days, plus Woodcock, Partridge, Pheasant etc. using spaniels for less than a 1/2 day Bobwhite hunting..He couldn't believe it...he thought that unless you shoot 100's pheasants, that there was no other bird hunting in UK. But after that 10 minute talk he is planning a trip to UK for some winter wingshooting. Then he said, the gun laws are just to strict in UK, I asked, who told him this, he said thats what everyone says...again 10 minutes later he understood what the deal was with UK a Nutshell the law is, "WHO OWNS THE GUN? AND PROVE IT" not a receipt from a gun shop, but a proper form with the police...and thats all we need to get a UK VISITORS permit. So the hunters of UK, we have something pretty special and we need not forget that, and the guns from around the world, ya at times it can be wet, and windy, but we do have some great wingshooting...and the deer hunting is amazing... I read an article from Scotland this morning, well not an article but more a was a Kids Fly fishing club on the Tweed! one word...AMAZING!! A day on the river beats years on the xbox! the guys on the boarders, Well done, that is what we across the the rest of the UK need to do, not just fishing but anything to do with the outdoors! Its another wet weekend, it has rained everyday since April 1, and there doesn't seem to be a rest bite in sight.