Monday, 7 December 2009
Mini driven rough shooting/rural business
The best Christmas staff party ever...That was what our customers said last week, after they had been on a proper mini driven/rough shooting day, here in the Lincolnshire Wolds... The team was from Essex, and the usual Christmas staff party was, you know, a meal at the local pub, a few drinks and the next morning a very sore head. These guys had never done game shooting, clays yes, game no...What a cracken day, some fantastic sporting birds, but I am going to say this, the guys caught the weather just ring, a good winters day...We had the team out in the country all day, they left at dark, after walking up and down the Lincs Wolds. The team stayed in one of the little hotels in Woodhall Spa, they had booked a meal in one of the local pubs. The only reason I mention this, is the government is getting ready for another raft of taxes and bull that they are going to feed us, make us thing "oh are not they the holy ones!" As a small business, by the way, this government only wants business that have a staff of over 5000 people, under that size, they don't care. They do nothing to help, I mean nothing, so its always good to hear when someone stays over night, has a good days sport, brings a bit of money into the local economy...
I have heard of more than one business that has left UK for brighter future else where. Where are they going?? USA, France, Germany where the government actually wants small rural business to work! Thanks for your time, and next time you go out and stay at a pub, and eat out...Thanks for supporting a few small rural business!
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Countryside and Autumn
For ya'll guys that are stuck indoors, time for a day off, of a sicky which ever...The conditions are amazing and have been for a couple of weeks. Not the best for driven shooting but spot on for deer stalking etc. I have lived here for around 15 years and this has to be one of the driest Autumns I can remember...Tip Get out and enjoy it!! Looking at the weather forecast, looks like the leaves will be gone monday afternoon, with 2 days of rain and wind, that will be it!
Just a bit of a reminder....Fallow hinds come into season Nov.1, give us a ring, we have loads of deer stalking around....and estate guns to use.
For those that are looking for that fantastic driven day...We have a cracker of a bargin £3800 for min. 150 bird day, all hospitality, gun bus everything...Date Nov. 18 first come first gets...Our day at the beginning of the New Year at Holywell is gone!
We was there last week and had a great day, the team of guns had a great time and we had a great time with them...Hope to see you guy soon!
Quick shotgun tip: If you are shooting winged game,ie Pheasants..and can't seem to connect. Try a couple of fixers, shoot with one eye open, focus on the bird, keep the gun moving. but most of all mount the gun, with the stock touching the cheek first. Give that a try, a fellow gun gave me those tips last week when I just could seem to get on them.
Thanks for your time and get out there and enjoy it, before you know it, it will be spring...
Happy shooting!
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Lincolnshire Driven Game!
We have just had back to back days Driven Partridge and Pheasant shooting here in the Lincs. Wolds. Living here I take it for granted, but if I was to say we have both Traditional driven and High bird shooting all with in just a few miles of each other, giving the gun exceptional value for money, and people living in London, less than 2 hours away.Also, a big bonus is we are that quite a bit drier than the west of the UK. Not saying we don't get our far share of rain, but in general its much drier. And when out shooting and wanting to have a great time, cold wet windy rain can really at times change the mood.
Friday our clients shot at a Traditional driven shoot, producing challenging Partridges and Pheasants, a little gem of a shoot, only the locals know about the shoot. Needless to say, everyone had a great time, with plenty of sport for all.
Saturday, High bird shoot, in the Wolds of Lincolnshire, with some of the Partridges and Pheasants just to good for the guns, again great time had by all. The two days went by in a flash, its now sunday night and time to start next week.
There are still days avaiable for some Great Sport here in the Wolds, if you are interested, drop me a line at
Oh, the Fallow bucks are rutting like made here, don't about anywhere else, and some nice bucks have been taken.
Hope everyone is enjoying some sport in the first part of October, please get out and have a good time, cause it soon will be February 1!
Shoot straight,
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
It hard to believe that it has been 3 weeks since the Game Fair, time is just flying. Some say it was their best Fair ever, others did not attend, due to the economic situation. We must all agree it is pretty spectacular in any ones book.
You can bet if you had that many football fans together, there would be 100's of police, police dogs, you name it it would be there. Last year in Lincoln, Lincoln football team was playing somebody, and there was 30 police escorting 20 lads to the local pub, then escorting them to the match, and around the town there was loads police. Now I know why my council tax goes up double the rate of inflation....But hey, if it is football nutters causing problems, thats ok cause its football....If anything remotely came close to that at a GAME can bet the government would be calling for a BAN! We all know this will never happen, I don't know about you but the only Police that I saw was directing traffic. To all you Field Sports enthusiasts, that is something we all should shout about. We don't cause problems, we don't take ££ out of the system, we add to the economy.
Looking at the Game fair on that point a few, it is always a huge success, where over 125,000 like minded people get together, have a good time, share a drink or two, do a bit of shopping and dreaming, loads to eat, and never any trouble. THE CLA GAME FAIR IS ALWAYS A HUGE PH SUCCESS!
Sunday, 14 June 2009 blog-TROUT Fish and Thanks to my Dad!
Trout, Brown or Rainbow, sometimes we forget about this fantastic sport, especially on the fly. I can remember like it was yesterday, I was around 11-12 fishing the upper reaches of North Mills River in the Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina. My dad a few weeks earlier we had went to a Trout Unlimited, fly casting day for kids, but as of yet I still had not caught a wild trout in mountain river. I had missed a few, and caught plenty of trees in the process, but my dad was really good and kept right on saying, "your doing the right things, the fish are hitting the fly, you get him one day!" The way me and my dad used to fish was, we would take turns on the holes, if I fished this hole, he had the next and so on. Well, as I came up to this hole, wasn't very big, typical WNC trout river, I cast the tail end of the pool....nothing. So my next cast was up to the head of the pool, right where the bubbles stopped, fly "Quill Gordon" fly rod, a cheap Eagle claw fiberglass rod. The fly floated down about a foot and BAM, the trout took the fly, this time and did not try to rip its lip off, and just lifted the rod, and we as on...This was of course before digital cameras, before disposable cameras, and my mum was the only to use our camera, but I wish I had taken a pic. cause from that day on I absolutely love dry fly fishing for trout!! It is amazing and if it wasn't for my dad, who is an amazing dry fly fisherman in his own right, and getting me hooked into fishing, no telling where I would be now. We had many years of going fishing, and most of the time he caught more fish, but he is suppose to he is DAD. So to all the Fathers that have got someone into fly fishing, I salute you and if I forget, HAPPY FATHERS DAY!
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Pigeons, Trout and Quail!
This time of the year is always a bit quite on the wingshooting in this country, and the Fields are so grown up that Roe stalking has just about stopped. But the dry fly for trout is just heating up! Up and down the country the rivers are coming alive, and the brown trout are feasting on the Mayfly hatch. Late in the evening with the water at the precise temp. these flies are coming the the waters surface just before they fly off, for their short lived life. In a couple of weeks the Seatrout will start showing, and again great summer sport!
But for the Sports person not to interested in fish, except on a plate, now is the time to look at some Fantastic Wild Quail Shooting
And Argentina, at a SPECIAL PRICE $299 PER DAY FOR DUCKS,GEESE,PIGEONS and of course DOVES
And before you know it, Grouse, Partridge and Pheasant will be back in season. So things are not all that quite!
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Sea Anglers
Here is another Great Idea from European Union, not...they are proposing that all sea anglers have a record of their catches and file the forms to the Government..(CA newsletter)the plan is to include the recreational sea angling as part of the national quota...Angling is a form of relaxation and I am sure a few fish for the freezer, now it is becoming a job! But that is the EU for you, if you are like me and think this is a crazy idea, and a waste of money and time, we can petition Number 10, by asking the Prime Minister to resist the proposed changes at by CLICKING HERE!
Check out our Muntjac Stalking special, by clicking on our Muntjac link, this offer will not last very long, so get in touch!
thank you very much for your time!
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Salmon Fishing in Ireland!
We have had our first Salmon to the bank this year. First time ever the client had been to Ireland, caught the fish as the water was falling, and this morning! WACK, fresh bar of silver! Nice Fish on the Fly! Phone call from the Ghillie, that this was the first fish of the year for them. They will now have fish till the end of the season!! The estate practises Catch and Release, but he hooked the fish deep in the gills, they had to kill it. Won't go to waste, fresh salmon for dinner.
Ireland still has great Salmon Fishing, what have they done that we have not, or should it be what have we done to take the salmon on the brink here in UK.
Needless to say, Extremely Happy Customer
Monday, 30 March 2009
Roe Deer Stalking, How to make the shot count!
I get asked this question quite a bit, not just Roe buck hunting, but for Fallow, Muntjac, Red Stags etc. And it is the same answer for Pigeons, Driven Grouse, Driven Pheasants, Partridges and Quail. I know this is going to sound a bit simple and dull, but the key is, "Know your rifle or shotgun, Practise as much as you can" Because the rifle is sighted in at 200 metres dead on, and you only shoot the gun a couple times a year, when the time comes and you have that split second to get that good buck, the odds are not on your side. Go to the range, get to know what you can do with your rifle. Our deer hunting here in the UK, is not like hunting back home, where a long shot was maybe, and I mean maybe 100 metres, it was usually around 50-60 metres, and it was usually in the woods, not on the edge of a wheat field. Be comfortable shooting at 200 metres, and when that Buck or Stag appears, it will be a walk in the park. And the same with Wing shooting, get to know your shotgun, and make it second nature mounting your gun, getting the lead right, follow through etc. Like I said it sounds dull and simple, but you can have the best of everything, and it can be set up etc. But without practise, there will be times when you will struggle, and I am the one calling the kettle black, but if you want to get the most out of your day of Sport, put in a bit of practise before hand, will make all the difference. Ask Tiger Woods, George Digweed, Richard Faulds etc. they still put in the hours.
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Country Clothing
Country clothing made in the UK,
Forgot to mention on the last posting, we know there is clothing companies all over the UK and abroad, but we have come across a company here in the Wolds.Raithby Clothing Company, or AEPWORLDWIDE. What makes this company different, they get most of there products made in the UK. Example all there Flat Caps are made in a small factory in Birmingham. not China. The business is in the process of getting a Game shooting range together, which will be ready in the next month or so and again, Made in the UK. Have a look, at their website! Excellent quality clothing at excellent prices!
WWW.AEPCOUNTRYSTYLE.COM if you use the code Sport you will get a 5% discount right away!!
Bryan Nelson
Tips for Spring
According to my calendar Spring is just a couple of days away. One of the questions that we hear is, "When is the best time to shoot pigeons?" the answer one of the guides gave me was, "When they are in the field." That is the thing about pigeon shooting, is they are 100% Wild birds. Now is when the guide comes into their own. I would say I could build a pretty good hide, and my decoy set up matches the patterns from the books, but its the guides that live everyday to find birds, and the only way to do this is drive, look drive some more and then drive a bit more and look for them. And still on the day the birds may have moved off. That's Pigeon Shooting, but NOW IS THE TIME TO GET OUT IN THE FIELD!!
Now if you're like me, you enjoy casting a fly, and you're going to fish in England, don't forget your Rod Licenses, in Scotland you do not need one. I have had reports of Fresh fish being caught on the Dee and also on the Tyne.
The indications so far is that Driven Pheasant and Partridge prices are going to hold around about the same prices as last year, so far all we need is for us to have a bad grain season this summer, which will drive up the costs. Looking for a days shooting Pheasants, Partridge, Goose, Duck, now is the time to book, while everything is stable.
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Pigeons and Simulated Game shooting
I am sure you're reading this wondering what a title...The reason is, Pigeons Shooting is now really starting to pick up. With the Farmers starting to get in their spring drillings the birds now have something new to add to their diet, besides oilseed rape. Don't get me wrong there have have been some excellent days on the broken down cover crops, but the fresh seeds on the ground is too much for the pigeons to miss out on. After a couple of days on one field, the loose seed will be eaten and the pigeons will be gone, to look for another field. Any one interested in this spring bonanza, give us a ring 07913 080190 or email,
Simulated clay shooting:
Went on a fantastic day this past Saturday, here in the Lincolnshire Wolds. We have been to a few of these, and some are ok, and some are poor. Not this place, they have a couple of different packages, that range from £60 up to £160.
The top day (£160 per gun) covers everything, you just show up with your shotgun and off you go.
Arrive in the morning for Breakfast, after a bite to eat, off to the clay area, what makes this place so good is you will be shooting clays on the same pegs as a normal driven game day! And if you know the Wolds you will know that we have some very steep valleys, and always a breeze. So as a gun, you are seeing the clays just as if they are game birds not clays, if that makes sense. The drives are set out just like a days shooting, not just 1000's of clays flying everywhere. They guys want this to SIMULATE A DRIVEN DAY IN UK, not a days shooting in Argentina.
You get a few drives, and refreshment break, a couple more drives, then lunch, which is all homemade back at the lodge, then another drive, with a flush at the end of the day. They need about 10 guns to make this work properly. But all food, drinks, clays, cartridges, and if needs be tuition is included..You can't beat it for £160 per gun! In the Lincolnshire Wolds!!one word, FANTASTIC!!
We are taking bookings for every Tuesday and Saturday, Give us a ring, you will not be disappointed!
As my last note said, the Roe hunters are just around the corner, looks like its going to be a bumper season!
Good shooting
Bryan Nelson
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Spring into Roe Buck Stalking!
Good afternoon,
We have just completed a very successful week of deer stalking, we have had clients for the continent stalking for Fallow and Muntjac, and all have gone home very happy. We only have about 6 weeks left in the season. We have LATE SPECIAL Muntjac and Fallow stalking in Lincolnshire, great day, Great price includes a Muntjac and outing fee £160 per person, there are plenty of Fallow on the ground also..Give me a ring or email for this hunt!
With the Fallow season ending the Roe Bucks are Springing into Action! Spoke to one of the guides this morning and he counted over 30 on one farm and some excellent bucks. He did see one buck that had already lost its velvet! At the end of Feb....Shaping up to be a Fantastic Roe Buck season, SW England, Norfolk and Scotland, those are the places to hunt these great deer. Go Roe Buck stalking, you will love it! Beginners welcome, let us organize this for you.
Today it isn't raining in Lincolnshire, and we are all thinking about Pigeon shooting, we have dates available, all fully guided hunting. Great Stuff....Get in touch!
Thanks, and look to speak with you soon!
Bryan Nelson
07913 080190
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Roe bucks and Pigeons!
I know that it has been a while since last entry, but that was then and this is now.
Now is the time to book your Roe Bucks and Pigeons for spring and summer. As you know the guides get booked up rather quickly. This is looking to be a fantastic spring for Roe bucks here in the UK. If it is anything like our Fallow and Muntjac season has been the clients will have the time of their life. We still have 6 weeks to go before the Fallow season is closed, there's still dates available email me at for dates. Stalking what a great way to spend a day out, if you have never stalked before, not a problem give us a ring and we can sort it out 07913 080190.
We have Great estate in Lincolnshire that has a very strong population of Fallow and Muntjac, with a very high success rate. Ring or Email me and we can get you on the estate very quickly!
The up coming Grouse season is shaping up to be just a good as last! With all the Field Sports in the UK, to get the best dates you need to book now! With the Euro being so strong against the Pound, more and more hunters are coming taking advantage exchange in their favor.
We will soon be publishing our Driven Game shooting for 2009-2010, we have been to some great shoots this year, which we will be adding to our shoot calendar. Email me, and I will send a list to you asap, just e mail me on
Check back on the blog regularly, as we will post new items and where the best sport can be had!
Some thing to look out for, we have just organized Esquire magazine, a couple of days Boar hunting, which they are doing a feature article. Keep your eyes peeled for this in your local news stand!
Bryan Nelson
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