Wednesday, 12 August 2009


It hard to believe that it has been 3 weeks since the Game Fair, time is just flying. Some say it was their best Fair ever, others did not attend, due to the economic situation. We must all agree it is pretty spectacular in any ones book.
You can bet if you had that many football fans together, there would be 100's of police, police dogs, you name it it would be there. Last year in Lincoln, Lincoln football team was playing somebody, and there was 30 police escorting 20 lads to the local pub, then escorting them to the match, and around the town there was loads police. Now I know why my council tax goes up double the rate of inflation....But hey, if it is football nutters causing problems, thats ok cause its football....If anything remotely came close to that at a GAME can bet the government would be calling for a BAN! We all know this will never happen, I don't know about you but the only Police that I saw was directing traffic. To all you Field Sports enthusiasts, that is something we all should shout about. We don't cause problems, we don't take ££ out of the system, we add to the economy.
Looking at the Game fair on that point a few, it is always a huge success, where over 125,000 like minded people get together, have a good time, share a drink or two, do a bit of shopping and dreaming, loads to eat, and never any trouble. THE CLA GAME FAIR IS ALWAYS A HUGE PH SUCCESS!

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