Friday, 4 March 2011

UK Game Fair in USA

We all know that the CLA Game fair is massive, for a lot of people the highlight of the summer and the run up to game season. I was reading some information from USA, where they have decided to have a UK style Game fair in Georgia, with the focus on "Upland Game" hunting or as we know Game shooting. The fair is set to happen in late September, which can be super hot, but I guess its better than super cold. I grew up in the South East of America, and we had nothing like the game fairs, ya we had a sportsman's show, but that was more about bass boats. I don't know why the Game fairs have not made it to USA, I think part of it was because, the boys in the states from time to time, have tried to do this and go over the top with indoor arenas, cost, glossy advertising, cost, so the price to get in is high, and usually on a friday. So no weekend traffic or families. The CLA isn't the cheapest day out, or the most cost effective form of having a tent in a field, but all in all, it is a great way to spend a weekend. Plenty for the fishing person, dog trainer, foodie, clay shooter, game shooter, keeper, etc. etc.
So fingers crossed, they boys from the Deep South will have a great event this summer!

We are coming to the end of the CWD season, and the next event is the UK Roe Buck season.
We Roe buck hunt in most places of the Uk that offer good stalking from Dorset and Somerset to East Riding, Norfolk and Oxford. The hunters from the east come to England, as we have some great quality, but our Roe buck prices are some of the best in Europe. What will cost you over £2500 in Europe, you can get for 1/2 the price .
If you are looking for a great day of Roe buck stalking

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